Study For Free With IST-BRIDGE International Postdoctoral Scholarships

Apply for the IST-BRIDGE International Postdoctoral Program in Austria. The IST-BRIDGE program at IST Austria is dedicated to qualified applicants who are about to complete their PhD programme or who have already completed a PhD programme. This is a fully funded two-year postdoctoral fellowship programme dedicated to scholars with an academic background in natural sciences, computer sciences, mathematics or any other related discipline.

Applicants for the programme must be have completed or about to complete a PhD in one of the above mentioned fields. The programme is specifically dedicated to candidates who are eager to perform cutting edge basic research at an international level. Fellows will have the opportunity to push the frontiers of science while working with supervisors and colleagues that are among the best in the world.

IST-BRIDGE advertises five calls for applications with an intention of recruiting up to 60 fellows with approximately 12 per call. The current call for application will close on November 5, 2021. Fellows will work in Labs equipped with the recent and cutting-edge instrumentation.

Benefits from IST-BRIDGE International Postdoctoral

Fellows will receive the following benefits during their stay in Austria

  • Fellows will be admitted for a 2-year fully funded postdoctoral position in a filed of their own choosing.
  • The fellows’ salary is worth a minimum of 56,000 EUR gross along with full social security coverage.
  • At the beginning of the fellowship, you will receive a one time relocation allowance worth EUR 2.000.
  • Fellows with families will receive an addition allowance worth EUR 1.000
  • You will also have the opportunity to receive additional world-class academic research training at a BRIDGE Network partner institute, including Francis Crick Institute (UK), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (JP), Rockefeller University (US), Weizmann Institute (IL)
  • The program will also offer temporary accommodation to fellows in the on-campus guesthouse as they arrange for permanent accommodation.

Eligibility for IST-BRIDGE International Postdoctoral

To apply for this programme, you are required to meet the following conditions

  • Applications are welcome from all countries around the world.
  • This programme is open to recent PhD graduates or PhD scholars who are about to complete their PhD programme with at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience.
  • You must be applying for any for any of the available research fields supported at IST Austria.
  • Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity such as work or studies in Austria for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior to the call deadline.
  • You must also demonstrate sufficient proficiency in English since the official language of the institute is English.

Application of IST-BRIDGE International Postdoctoral

Applications for the programme are submitted online using the portal available at the programme website.Interested applicants are advised to follow the procdure below.

You are advised to download and review the written Guideline for applications available at the programme website
If you qualify, you must then create an account by clicking on the Apply Button

You will then be able to complete the online application. During this process, you will be reuested to enter the required information and uploading all required documents. A list of the required documents is as follows.

  • Submit if available, PhD diploma, PhD transcript and any other Academic documents you may deem relevant
  • A well written Research Proposal worth a maximum of 5 pages outlining a work plan for the two year fellowship.
  • You will submit a recent CV of maximum 2 pages.
  • A list of your Publications List
  • You must submit an IST-Bridge Motivation Statement outlining your career goals, as well as the benefit of the IST-BRIDGE program towards reaching these goals.
  • Download and submit a the Ethical Issues Table
  • Applicants must submit the names and contact information for three referees who will submit recommendations on their behalf

Lastly, It is important to visit the official website link found here to access the application form.

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