Top 10 Highest Paying College Majors

If you are wondering about the job prospects and unsure about your college majors, then this article may give you a little push forward on deciding your college majors. You might have noticed, there are hundreds of majors to choose from but here are the top 10 highest paying college majors as per the statistics show.

10. Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is a discipline influencing numerous areas of technology. In broad terms, chemical engineers conceive and design processes to produce, transform and transport materials — beginning with experimentation in the laboratory followed by implementation of the technology in full-scale production

Average annual income: $79,086

9. Business

Business degrees are designed to help students prepare for a wide range of positions and industries by introducing them to the fundamental aspects of business knowledge in accounting, finance, international business, marketing, human resources, operations, and project management.

Average annual income: $80,048

8. Economics

Economics is a general program that focuses on the systematic study of the production, conservation, and allocation of resources in conditions of scarcity, together with the organizational frameworks related to these processes.

Average annual income: $82,560

7. Mining and Mineral Engineering

Mining and mineral engineering majors use math and science to study minerals (such as coal and diamonds). They also study the processes for removing them from the earth. They learn how to locate minerals and how to design and develop mines and systems for refining ore.

Average annual income: $83,754

6. Actuarial Science

Actuaries are trained in mathematics, statistics and economic techniques that allow them to quantify risk. They use their skills to analyze and solve business and social problems related to insurance, pensions, Social Security, employee benefits and related fields.

Average annual income: $84,104

5. Naval Architecture or Marine Engineering

A degree in Naval Architecture or Marine Engineering will allow you to design, build, and maintain many different types of ships. You have the opportunity to work with everything from very large aircraft carriers to submarines to sailboats. … Marine Engineering is in math and science-oriented.

Average annual income: $86,941

4. Geosciences

Geoscience is a joint geology and geography major for students interested in geological and geographical approaches to environmental issues. The curriculum emphasizes the physical, human and spatial aspects of Earth and its environment.

Average annual income: $89,799

3. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies engineering, physics, engineering mathematics, and materials science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.

Average annual income: $90,085

2. Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics is the study of mathematical formulas and statistics that are used in everyday life. The broad groundwork of mathematical skills you obtain from this major will be useful for a variety of careers.

Average annual income: $95,351

1. Petroleum Engineering

A petroleum engineer (also known as a gas engineer) determines the most efficient way to drill for and extract oil and natural gas at a particular well. They oversee drilling operations and resolve any operating problems. They also decide how to stimulate an underperforming well.

Average annual income: $169,680


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