Apply for the Makerere University International Fully-Funded Positions in Uganda. The deadline for the application is 4th September 2020.
With funding from the Danish Development Research Council, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is inviting applications from well-qualified students for two interdisciplinary Ph.D. positions as part of the Uganda country component of a cross-country collaborative research program entitled Certifications of Citizenship in Africa (CERTIZENS).
Applicants should be able to demonstrate education and independent research experience within a relevant academic discipline such as African studies, anthropology, development studies, history, human geography, politics. Additionally, the applicant should have excellent oral and written communication skills in English, as well as strong interpersonal and problem-solving skills.
In addition, applicants must fulfill the following criteria:
- Be a national of an African country (proven through the biodata page of a passport of national ID card)
- Also, hold a relevant Masters degree from a recognized university, completed not more than ten years prior to this application
- Similarly, show proof of fluency in English
- Likewise, proof of availability to undertake a full-time Ph.D. for four years as from 1 January 2021
- Additionally, be under the age of 40 years by 31 December 2020.
The program is fully-funded by the Danish Development Research Council and is tenable at Makerere University. The scholarship will cover all costs of the PhD program, including tuition and other university fees, living expenses, medical insurance, research, and travel for fieldwork and conferences. The maximum value of the scholarship, commencing 1 January 2021 is approximately UGX 40,150,00 or USD 11,000 per year. Each fellow will receive a laptop computer.
Applications are made online through the electronic application form. Click on ‘Admissions’ then ‘Online applications’. To access the form, you will need to create an account if you do not already have one, and then use the email address and password from your account.
The applications should include the following:
- A brief motivation letter addressed to The Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University, P.O BOX 7062 Kampala
- Also, a research proposal of a maximum of four pages, related to only one of the two Ph.D. topics outlined. This ought to include a brief outline of the envisaged project, and how it might be approached theoretically and methodologically.
- Additionally, a recently updated CV
- Likewise, letters from two academic referees familiar with the applicant’s work. (It is important that these referees are the same as those mentioned on the application form.)
Visit the official page for more information.
Also, visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more opportunities.