International Chevening Scholarships in the United Kingdom

The Chevening Scholarships is the scholarship program that funds hundreds of international students from 160 countries to complete their postgraduate study in the United Kingdom. It is funded by Foreign Commonwealth Office of UK and their associated organizations.  The main aim of this scheme is to develop strong leadership qualities in students to be leaders in their particular home countries.

This program was launched in 1983 and up to this date, this campaign has funded over 50000 students from developing countries to explore and experience the British education system. Chevening scholarships program covers tuition fees, allowances, return tickets to their country and other few grants.  Chevening Scholarships program is considered as popular and bigger than Fulbright scholarship scheme of the USA because of a very high standard and rich ranks.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

1. hold citizenship of Chevening-eligible country

2. have completed your graduate program to have a creditable academic threshold to get into postgraduate study in the UK

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3. have at least two years of work experience

4. have applied in three UK universities and get accepted by at least one of them

5. meet the English language criteria set by the Chevening program and the university you had applied for

6. not be a British citizen or dual British citizen

7. not be previously employed by office and authorities operating under Her Majesty’s Government.

8. not hold any type of scholarship, bursaries, and grants funded by the British government

9. return to your country for a minimum of two years after your award ends.

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Application for Chevening scholarship opens in August of every year and the application process is totally electronic. You are supposed to fill the online application form and they cannot be revised or edited after submission Please check the official website of Chevening scholarships program for more details and important dates.


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