The ratio is of students departing to study on abroad countries like USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Denmark and Germany are larger than ever in last five years. If you spent 24 hours on international terminals of your country airport then you will see how many people actually leave their country with a dream of higher education in abroad countries. From that outrageous figure, some people had really dreamed about foreign degree and education where there are huge numbers who are on that international terminal with luggage and study visa stamp on their passport just because of influences and personal fantasies.  

Landing and living in a whole new environment with new adapting features are never easy and exciting. You need to cover heavy milestones to cope up with the things and stuff around your head, you will have your own new world with whole new things and new faces. So it is very important for you to preplan and research before you jump into anything or anywhere. The first thing to plan is what you want to study. First and foremost, you need to lock the course that you want to study because it is one of the major things that decides your career and achievements. Second of all, you have to do further research about the countries with the quality education system and innovative courses with best learning provisions. Do not forget to check whether the degree offered is globally recognizable and valid or not because there are several countries whose degrees are not valid globally.

Then after locking the course and country, it comes to the city which is best for you and your livings. Do not select city depending on their attractions and infrastructures like parkland, beaches, nightclubs, sky rappers and all. Choose a city which fits your budget and probably matches your cultural standards. You are required to choose somewhere with the affordable cost of livings cultures. It is extremely hard to survive another country with low pocket and bouncing bank account so, you must think and be aware of the cost of that place where you choose to study. And talking about culture and lifestyle, never be foolish by choosing a place where you feel loner and uncomfortable around the culture and lifestyle of that city.

Apart from those primary things we suggest to choose a destination after keeping an eye on the following prospects.

  1. visa success rate and entry requirements
  2. internship and employment opportunity after graduation
  3. low crime rate
  4. low natural disaster occurrence rate
  5. Climatic factors, etc


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