Wellcome-International Fellowships Abroad 2020

Apply for the Wellcome-International Fellowships Abroad 2020. The deadline for the application is 1st September 2020. The name of the fellowship is International Master’s Fellowships.

This scheme offers nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at the Master’s degree level.


You can apply for an International Master’s Fellowship if:

  • you’re a national of a low- or middle-income country
  • Additionally, your proposed research focuses on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country 
  • Also, you have sponsorship from an eligible host organization in a low- or middle-income country apart from mainland China.

You must:

  • hold a clinical or non-clinical undergraduate degree in a relevant subject 
  • Likewise, be at an early stage in your career with limited research experience (but you must have demonstrated interest in, or aptitude for, research).

Research Proposal

Your research proposal should be within the science remit and focus on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country.

  • quality and importance of your research question(s)
  • Also, the feasibility of your approach to solving these problems
  • Likewise, the suitability of your choice of research environments
  • Also, suitability of the taught Master of Science (MSc) course you select – it should take place at a recognised centre of excellence and provide you with training that will complement your research project.


  • Log in to our online application system Grant Tracker. Do this at an early stage so that you can familiarise yourself with the system.You must complete every section of the form. Your sponsor and supervisor will need to complete some of the sections. 
  • Submit your application to your host organizationWhen you’ve completed the form, submit it to your host organization. A person at your host organization with the role of ‘authorized organizational approver’ will get an automated email from Wellcome asking them to review and submit the application.
    Make sure you leave enough time for the approver to do this before the deadline. Furthermore, the approver may ask you to make changes to your application.
  • Host organization submits your application

Visit the official page for further details.
Also, visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more information.


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