Apply for the Fully Funded Scholarships at Swansea University in the UK. The deadline for the application is 29th August 2020.
This scholarship is funded by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (50%) and Swansea University’s Chemistry Department (50%).
Eligibility for Fully Funded Scholarships at Swansea University
Candidates should hold a minimum of an upper second class (2:1) honors degree: Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering, or related subjects.
Additionally, as a condition of the Scholarship, the doctoral dissertation must be researched and written in Welsh. The Scholarship holder must undertake some Welsh-medium teaching within the Chemistry Department.
This scholarship covers the full cost of UK tuition fees and an annual stipend of £15,285.
In this project, the photo- and spin physics of polarised light emission in radical materials will be investigated for organic electronics. Additionally, unlike most organic materials that contain all-paired electronics, the radicals’ unpaired electron has a quantum mechanical property called spin which gives rise to magnetism and ‘doublet’ character. Furthermore, the University has shown that their spin properties can be combined with strong luminescence to make highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes for converting electricity to light [1,2]: more efficient than non-radical counterparts that have been used to date. Additionally, the student will explore novel functionality to advance the state of the art in organic optoelectronics.
Swansea University is a public research university located in Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom. Additionally, it was chartered as University College of Swansea in 1920, as the fourth college of the University of Wales.
Visit the official page for more information.
Also. visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more opportunities