Students Poetry Prize in Nigeria

Apply for Students Poetry Prize in Nigeria. The deadline for this application is ongoing.


Nigerian Students Poetry Prize (NSPP) is an initiative of Poets in Nigeria (PIN) aimed at stimulating literary creativity and encouraging critical thinking among Nigerian undergraduates. Since its inception in 2016 at the University of Ibadan, the prize has received over 3000 entries from students representing over 100 tertiary institutions (including universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, schools of nursing and seminary schools).

The sixth edition of the Nigerian Students Poetry Prize (NSPP) opens for submission between 15th January and 28th February, 2021. Taking note of the deadline, interested Nigerian undergraduates are expected to submit a 30-line poem on any of these themes:

  • Individual and Collective Humanity in a Corona-Ravaged World
  • Also, identity: Faces and Phases
  • Likewise, politics of Retrogression

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to all Nigerian undergraduates studying in Nigeria and the diaspora.
  • Also, entrants must be from a recognized tertiary institution.

Offered Benefits

Aside rewarding the prize winners with a total cash prize of ₦400,000, exceptional entrants will each receive a certificate of excellence and complimentary copy of the NSPP anthology which features their works.

  • 1st Prize – ₦200,000
  • 2nd Prize – ₦100,000
  • 3rd Prize – ₦50,000
  • Likewise, consolation Prize – ₦25,000 each for 4thand 5th best entrants

Application Process

  • Submissions are to be made at, with strict adherence to the instructions thereon.
  • Also, poems must focus on any of these themes:
    • Individual and Collective Humanity in a Corona-Ravaged World
    • Identity: Faces and Phases
    • Politics of Retrogression
  • Entrants must give unique titles to their works (Avoid using the wording of the themes as the title of your entry).
  • Likewise, indicate the theme selected beneath your work.
  • furthermore, poems must be the original intellectual property of the entrants.
  • Additionally, an entrant entitle to a single entry of 30 lines maximum.
  • Also, entries submitted must be previously unpublished.
  • Moreover, entering for the contest gives PIN automatic right to make use of entries as deemed appropriate.
  • Entries in English. 
  • Also, entrants should subscribe to for regular updates.

For enquiries, contact the moderator – Phone: +2347034847164; Email: [email protected].

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