Applications are now open for Scholarships for International Students in Germany. The Evangelische Studienwerk invites applications from international students to apply for PhD Scholarships in Germany. The Evangelische Studienwerk is the gifted work of the evangelical churches in Germany. Currently, it is supporting nearly 1,200 students and about 200 doctoral candidates of all disciplines at universities and technical colleges. The fellows receive a monthly scholarship and access to a comprehensive educational program.
Scholarships Value for International Students in Germany
Every year Studienwerk supports 200 doctoral students of all types of subjects with scholarships and a comprehensive range of educational programs. PhD Scholars receive financial aid of 1350 Euro a month plus a book allowance of 100 Euro. Scholarships are initially awarded for one year. Students may extend their scholarship duration on request. However, it may not exceed over three years.
Requirements for PhD Scholarships in Germany
International Students are eligible for PhD scholarships in Germany if they meet the following formal requirements:
- Membership in a Protestant church (exceptions in justified cases)
- Completion of a first university degree in a short period of time
- Above-average performances in studies and examinations (final grades at least »good«, in-law »fully satisfactory«)
- A qualification which entitles doctoral studies
- Foreign students may apply if they have been admitted to a doctoral program at a university in the Federal Republic of Germany
Documents for Scholarships for International Students in Germany
Moreover, International PhD candidates must also provide the following documents:
- Application form (which you may download here)
- Likewise, Two references from professors or university lecturers with doctor titles, one of which must be written by your academic supervisor
- Further, Outline, concept, and timeline of the thesis (max. 15 pages plus bibliography)
- Moreover, One tabular CV and one detailed CV (essay), both signed (max. 2 pages each)
- Copies of your leaving certificates (A-level, bachelor, master, diploma, etc.) with individual grades and overall grades
- Similarly, Proof of admission to a doctoral program
- Furthermore, Informal statement for non-Protestant applicants (please explain your interest in Evangelisches Studienwerk and your thoughts on religion and the church)
- Certification of knowledge of the German language on the level of B2/DSH
- Also, Statement if you expect to complete your PhD abroad
How To Apply for the Scholarships for International Students in Germany?
To apply for the PhD research scholarships in Germany, International students must meet all the stated criteria. Further, applicants must provide a copy of the aforementioned documents. Application submission is via post. Applicants must submit all documents in duplicate, printed only on one side in A4 Sheet. Moreover, applicants must send their application to:
Iserlohner Straße 25, 58239 Schwerte
Application processing will require a charge €19. Applicants must transfer this sum to the following account by the end of the application process, stating your full name and the keyword “Processing fee for doctoral support” in the bank remittance:
KD-Bank Die Bank für Kirche und Diakonie
BIC GENODED1DKD, IBAN DE74 3506 0190 2112 5700 15