Scholarship Program for Christian People

The Tempus Public Foundation in Hungary invites candidates to apply the Funded Scholarship Program for Young Christian People for the academic year 2020/21.  The major focus of the scholarship is to provide an opportunity to study in Hungary young Christian students living in the crisis regions of the world and/or being threatened in their country because of their faith. After completing their studies, the scholarship holders will return to help their home community and will participate in the reconstruction of war-destroyed countries and contribute to the improvement of social situation and preservation of the culture of Christian communities. The State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and for the Hungary Helps Programme oversees the management of the program and Tempus Public Foundation is the organizer of this scholarship program. The Scholarship is available to all degree programs.

Eligible countries: Egypt, Lebanese Republic, Republic of Iraq, State of Israel, Palestine, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Kenya, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Republic of Armenia and Nigeria.

Funding/Financial Aid

The Tempus Public Foundation Scholarship Program for Christian Young People is a fully-funded opportunity for Christian students to study in Hungary. Moreover, the program offers grants for the following expenses

  • Tuition-free education: the recipient will not have to pay any tuition fee.
  • Stipend: bachelor’s, master’s and one-tier master’s level: monthly amount of HUF 128,520; doctoral-level candidates will get the monthly amount of scholarship is HUF 140,000 first phase and HUF 180,000 for the second phase (4 semesters) – for 12 months a year, until completion of studies.
  • Accommodation: free dormitory place or a contribution of HUF 40,000 to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the scholarship period (Please note that if the student does not live in the dormitory, then the HUF 40 000/month  is only a contribution to rental costs, and in bigger cities – especially in the capital city – this contribution would not cover the full amount of rental costs.)
  • Travel cost: HUF 200,000 /academic year.
  • Medical insurance: health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation (Act LXXX of 1997, national health insurance card) and supplementary medical insurance for up to HUF 65,000 a year/person.

Additional information 

Candidates must submit an online application in order to express the interest in this fully-funded Scholarship Program for Christian Young People in Hungary. In addition to the online application, candidates must also submit the following documents

  • Motivation letter as well as a recommendation letter.
  • Proof of language proficiency and their translations in the language of the selected study program or in Hungarian.
  • School certificates and their translations in the language of the selected study program or in Hungarian.
  • Similarly, the transcript of Records and its translation in the language of the selected study program or in Hungarian.
  • Medical certificate and copy of the Identification Document.
  • Furthermore, acceptance of Statement for Application.


Here is the official link.


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