Apply for the mcgilberryandshirer.com Future Scholarship 2021. The deadline for the application is 15th October 2020.
McGilberry & Shirer is excited to announce its First Annual Future Lawyer Scholarship Award. Beginning in 2020, it is awarding $1,000 to a deserving student who authors the winning submission in our essay contest.
Eligibility for mcgilberryandshirer.com Future Scholarship
To be eligible for the scholarship contest you must be enrolling in either high school or college in the United States and a legal US resident. Additionally, students with full academic scholarships are not eligible to enter this contest.
Judging Criteria
The scholarship will be awarded to the student who best demonstrates their knowledge and passion for the subject. Additionally, the winning essay will demonstrate good organization and thoughtful writing.
The winning essay will receive $1000.
Winner Notification and Award Distribution
Once a judgment of the submitted applications has been completed, the winner will be notified via phone, email, and/or mail.
Furthermore, the organizers will select the winner by November 15, 2020. They will distribute the award by November 20, 2020.
Essay Prompt
Please write 750-1,000 words on this topic: How has the power of the president of the United States changed over the last 100 years, and has this change been good or bad?
Visit the official page for more information.
Also, visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more opportunities.