Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Foundation Scholarship, Germany

Apply for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Foundation Scholarship, Germany. The deadline for the application is 15th July 2021.The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation, inspired by Christian democratic values, committed to fostering democracy and the rule of law, to implementing social and market-economic structures and to promoting human rights in Europe and worldwide. In line with these principles, our Foundation awards scholarships to international master students and graduates in order to enable study and research at universities in Germany.

Eligibility Criteria

The Scholarship Program for International Students is aimed at international students and graduates who have acquired a university degree and who intend to complete postgraduate or master studies, doctoral studies or a research stay of at least three semesters at a university in Germany.

The guidelines

  • have a university degree
  • prove above average academic performance,
  • Furthermore, be no older that 30 when applying,
  • have good knowledge of the German language (B2-level),
  • Likewise, be actively engaged in voluntary work,
  • plan to study a minimum of three semesters at a university in Germany,
  • Also, possess a broad general education and distinct interest in political issues,
  • have a positive attitude towards democracy and human rights,
  • Additionally, be open to develop their personal points of view and practice tolerance,
  • Also, be high motivation and able to convince the organizers of their goals in life.

Offered Benefits

Financial assistance

The duration and level of funding varies for different types of studies. Graduates (master or postgraduate students) receive a monthly scholarship of € 850 ( € 861 as of August 1, 2020). The standard funding period is two yearsBeside the monthly stipend, the organizers offer multiple subsidies for our scholars. Upon request, they subsidize health care insurance up to the amount of € 120 per month.

Application Process

  • A meaningful CV in tabular form including details about your previous voluntary work or social commitment.
  • Also, motivation letter.
  • Also, copies of your examination certificates in German translation if the originals are not in English.
  • Copies of your studies performance records if you have been studying at a University in Germany.
  • Furthermore, proof of German language skills 
  • An informal academic letter of recommendation
  • Also, an informal letter of recommendation concerning the applicant’s personality
  • Likewise, certificate of admission or matriculation from your university in Germany.

Visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more scholarship opportunities.


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