Apply for the Fully Funded TED Fellowship Program 2020. The deadline for the application is 24th August 2020.
The TED Fellows program provides transformational support to a global community of over 490+ remarkable individuals who are collaborating across disciplines to spark positive change around the world.
Furthermore, every year the TED Fellows program selects a new group of extraordinary, multidisciplinary individuals by open application. They look for innovators on the rise in their respective fields who are doing bold, original work.
- You become part of a diverse, collaborative, and global community of more than 500 emergings and established experts.
- Likewise, receive professional development through virtual workshops and webinars.
- You gain valuable feedback from TED’s expert coaches on how to hone, express, and communicate your work and your ideas.
- Additionally, will give a TED Talk (at a virtual or live event, depending on the state of the global pandemic).
- Also, receive career coaching and mentorship from our team of professional coaches.
- You’ll get public relations guidance and media training.
- Furthermore, participate in virtual programming for TED Fellows.
- Likewise, have the opportunity to participate in and contribute to a thriving and connected global community.
- Additionally, a possible invitation to attend the special TEDMonterey conference in Monterey, California.
- An idea worth spreading!
- A completed online application consisting of general biographical information, short paragraphs on your work, and three references. (It’s fun, and it’ll make you think…)
- Also, be at least 18 years old to apply.
- Likewise, fluent in English.
- Additionally, be excited to participate in a collaborative, interdisciplinary global community.
- You must be available on May 29–June 4, 2021.
TED Conferences LLC is an American media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”. TED was conceived by Richard Saul Wurman in February 1984 as a conference; it has been held annually since 1990.
Visit the official page for more information.
Also, visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more opportunities.