Fully Funded Scholarships at Redeemer's University Ede in Nigeria

Apply for Fully Funded Scholarships at Redeemer’s University Ede in Nigeria. The deadline for this application is 15th September 2021.


Redeemer’s University is a private university in Ede, Osun, off Ibadan-Oshogbo Road, Osun State, Nigeria. 

Scholarship Description:

The scholarship offer is competitive based on prevailing rates in both public and private universities in Africa. Additionally, up to $4,000 is available per scholar per year for up to 4 years . Scholarship awards may be applied towards tuition, housing, study related travels as well as other study related activities. The total allocation approvable will be determined based on the Scholarship Committee’s evaluation of the applications submitted. Likewise, up to 4 scholarships will be awarded this year. This scholarship will be offered annually in subsequent years.


  • Nationality Open to African graduates with a passion for research and excellent academic results.
  • Subject: Applicants admitted to study molecular genetics or genetic epidemiology or related fields.
  •  Likewise, ACTG would neither facilitate nor influence admission of applicants into any University.
  • No applicant will have less favourably than another on the grounds of gender (including gender reassignment), marital or parental status, race, ethnic or national origin, colour, disability. Moreover, sexual orientation, religion or age. Additionally, the primary consideration in the selection of Scholars will be applicants’ ability to meet the selection criteria for each scholarship.

Selection criteria:

All applicants that meet the eligibility criteria at the close of application deadline. The incumbent must meet the following:

  • Outstanding academic recordAs the ACTG’s aim is to empower the next generation of African genomics researchers, a good academic record is a must-have for scholarship recipients. Other evidence of high academic achievement may include individual marks on student transcripts; evidence of previous university prizes or awards; information on your overall position within your cohort; and publications. We expect that program chairs or supervisors would only support applications from the most outstanding students for this scholarship.
  • Applicant’s aptitude for the program and potential for genomics leadership in the future. Direct PhD applicants (and MPhil/PhD applicants) will need to contact a potential supervisor with whom they will develop a research project, a summary of which is part of the application. Likewise, publications from the applicant’s Master’s degree dissertation especially in the area of genomics will be an advantage.

How to Apply:

The applicant should submit the following documents in a single PDF file:

  • Statement of interest from the applicant indicating academic qualifications, research interests, his/her suitability to work with the NCD-GHS and career goals (one paragraph for each criterion). Also, CV of the applicant
  • Likewise, Research proposal summary in either genetic epidemiology or molecular genetics of any of the NCDs highlighted above (max. 4 pages)
  • Furthermore, Letter of support from the department chair or faculty supervisor of the applicant stating the student’s academic qualifications and accomplishments, career goals, and reasons for selecting the candidate (max. 2 pages)

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