Full Scholarship at Kingston University in the UK

Apply for Full Scholarship at Kingston University in the UK. The deadline for this application is 31st July 2021.


Kingston University is ranked 581 in QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities and has an overall score of 4.0 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.


Take your studies to the next level with the help of PhD international awards in Point Cloud Data Compression at Kingston University in the UK for the academic session 2021-2022.

The main purpose of this award is to provide financial support to international applicants at Kingston University. Additionally, the program is open for students who want to pursue a PhD degree program.

Offered Benefits

Kingston University will provide a salary to the eligible and brilliant international students in the United Kingdom.

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Eligibility Criteria

The incumbent must meet the following for Scholarship at Kingston University in the UK:

  • Eligible Countries: Applications are accepted from the UK.
  • Also, PhD degree program in Point Cloud Data Compression.
  • Likewise, to be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • Must have MSc degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics or BSc with distinction in the same areas.
  • Moreover, must experience in research on data compression is attractive.

Application Process

  • How to Apply: For grasping the opportunity, aspirants have to take admission in the PhD degree program at the Kingston University.
  • Also, you should provide copies of qualifications, a transcript of results, and copies of any other documentation.
  • Likewise, to be eligible for this program applicants must meet all theentry requirements of the university.
  • Moreover, if English is not your first language or mother tongue, you should provide evidence of your English language proficiency through one of the entry requirements or language tests.

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