Apply for the Elmhurst University International Discovery Awards in the USA. The deadline for the application is 1st November 2020. The scholarship is for Bachelors degree.
The University commits to making Elmhurst University an affordable option for students from around the globe.
That’s why it offers unusually generous merit-based scholarships to international students.
Furthermore, Elmhurst awards merit scholarships on the basis of several factors, including academic achievement, artistic talent, and membership in the United Church of Christ. Likewise, the University also awards international student grants to help support the cost of tuition.
Benefits of Elmhurst University International Awards
Between $1,000 and $5,000 based on academic merit
Applicants must not provide a separate scholarship application. The University makes the award decisions based on your application for admission to the University
Scholarships for F-1 First-Year Students
International Chairman’s Award
- $20,000 awarded to any first-year (freshman) student who will study at Elmhurst
International Discovery Award
- Between $1,000 and $5,000 based on academic merit
Scholarships for F-1 Transfer Students
(Currently Studying Outside the United States)
Merit Scholarships
Ranging from $8,000–$17,000
- Excellence: $17,000
- Achievement: $13,000
- Recognition: $10,000
- Heritage: $8,000
Transfer International Discovery Award
- $5,000 to any student transferring university credit
Scholarships for F-1 Graduate Students
International Graduate Scholarship
- $5,000 upon admission to a graduate program
Scholarships for Collegiate Immersion Summer Program Students
- Secondary school students applying to the Collegiate Immersion Program may be eligible for scholarships
- It is between $500 and $1,000 upon application to the CIP program based on the student’s video and transcript.
Elmhurst University is a private liberal arts college in Elmhurst, Illinois. Also, the university has a tradition of service-oriented learning and an affiliation with the United Church of Christ. Additionally, the university changed its name from Elmhurst College on July 1, 2020.
Visit the official page for more information. Also, visit oyaop.com and oyaschool.com for more opportunities.